Jem: The Misfits (2016-)

Ghostbusters Funko Universe (2017)

Faith (2016-)

Drifter (2014-)

DC Universe by Mike Mignola (2017)

Dark Knight III - The Master Race (2016-)

Bullseye (2017-)

Bulletproof Coffin: The Thousand Yard Stare (2017)

Brave Chef Brianna (2017)

Baltimore: The Red Kingdom (2017)

Angry Birds: Flight School (2017)

All Time Comics: Atlas (2017)

MAD Magazine (1952-)

Wonder Woman: Steve Trevor (2017-)

The Legend of Wonder Woman Vol. 1: Origins

Black Road (2016-)

Wonder Woman by Mike Deodato (2016)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Funko Universe (2017)

Secret Empire: Uprising (2017)

Romulus (2016-)

Moon Knight (2016-)

Lobster Johnson: The Pirate's Ghost (2017)

Ladycastle (2017-)

Kiss Forever Special (2017)